• KZC/USD: 6.355


KZCash network supports decentralized governance and budget system: funding community initiatives straight from blockchain itself using "superblocks" mechanism, which are created on each 16616 block. Monthly limit for initiatives financing is determined as the actual DAO reward for 1 block multiplied to the superblock cycle length (16616 blocks). For example, 0.5*16616=8308 KZC (at actual difficulty and reward distribution). I.e. the DAO amount is not cumulative for the whole period, it is limited to the superblock cycle (16616 blocks) and can be used only in its period. Unspent DAO funds cannot be transferred to the next period.

Overview: - Anyone coming up with some proposal of how he can make KZCash better, leaving description available as a public URL. - This user sends this proposal into KZCash network through proposal protocol. - Shareholders (owners of network masternodes) cast votes for or against this proposal. - Approved proposals awaits it's funding. - Once in a month, KZCash network creates a superblock with requested funding, which is being assigned to a payee address mentioned on the proposal.

Preparations Before Creating Proposal Describe your proposal as text: - Tell about your project. - Introduce yourself. Include your qualifications, experience and contact information for questions. - Estimate and outline the project requirements, progress milestones, and deliverables. The more detail the better. This page is your marketing and sales pitch. - Justify your funding request by explaining on how the funds will be used. Prepare some web-document (PDF, html or something else) which would be available by a public URL. It's a good practice to use URL shortener like https://goo.gl/ or https://tinyurl.com/ , to make URL much more compact before adding it into proposal. Come up with some name for your proposal. You can separate words with "-" symbol. Example: My-First-Initiative It must be clear and unique to prevent voter confusion. Prepare your KZC address for receiving funding. It would be a good idea to backup the wallet with receiving address to avoid it's loss. Create and Send Proposal Proposals are being sent into the network through a special command. To generate it, visit https://proposal.kzcash.kz Fill requested fields, including required amount of KZC, payment's time range and payee KZC address. Then press Generate. You would get a command. Save it. We'll use it on next two stages. Open your wallet, from where you'll send your proposal into the network. It must contain a bit more than 5 KZC. If your wallet is encrypted with a password, open Settings -> Unlock wallet to make it possible to send transactions from it. Then, open Tools -> Debug Console. Paste previously copied command here and send it. It would burn 5 KZC as a proof of proposal creation. It would reply with a transaction ID. Save it somewhere. Wait until your transaction would get at least 6 confirmations. It could take around 15 min. Then, copy previously generated command into a fresh notepad. Replace a word "prepare" with "submit". At the end of this whole string, add whitespace and paste transaction ID which we copied earlier.

gobject prepare 0 1 1513544463 
5b5b2270726f706f73616c222c7b22656e645f65706f6368223a313531373536323433342 c226e616d65223a224372656174652d50726f706f73616c2d47656e65726174696f6e2d54 6f6f6c222c227061796d656e745f61646472657373223a224372656174652d50726f706f7 3616c2d47656e65726174696f6e2d546f6f6c222c227061796d656e745f616d6f756e7422 3a31302c2273746172745f65706f6368223a313531323537373633342c2274797065223a3 12c2275726c223a2268747470733a2f2f70726f706f73616c2e6b7a636173682e6b7a2f22 7d5d5d 
gobject submit 0 1 1513544463 
5b5b2270726f706f73616c222c7b22656e645f65706f6368223a313531373536323433342 c226e616d65223a224372656174652d50726f706f73616c2d47656e65726174696f6e2d54 6f6f6c222c227061796d656e745f61646472657373223a224372656174652d50726f706f7 3616c2d47656e65726174696f6e2d546f6f6c222c227061796d656e745f616d6f756e7422 3a31302c2273746172745f65706f6368223a313531323537373633342c2274797065223a3 12c2275726c223a2268747470733a2f2f70726f706f73616c2e6b7a636173682e6b7a2f22 7d5d5d 1e9240eda5e325f2871f448970972e3658cf725c18bf23b139411e37a76c651a 
Copy your result.
Return to Debug console and send this command. By this, you'll send your proposal into the KZCash network. In return, you'll get the ID of your proposal. Save it. Use this ID to check your proposal status. 
Now you can spread some word about your proposal to other users. Masternode owners can now vote for your proposal.

Those commands must be used on Tools -> Debug Console, or through kzcash-cli if you're running a console version of KZCash. Check proposal status: gobject get proposal_id_goes_here Vote YES to a proposal: gobject vote-many proposal_id_goes_here funding yes Vote NO to a proposal: gobject vote-many proposal_id_goes_here funding no Check next superblock height: getgovernanceinfo (see "nextsuperblock") Check amount of proposals: gobject count (see Proposals) List all proposals: gobject list Check treasury size available to be spent on proposals: getsuperblockbudget block_height (it must be a multiple of 16616, e.g.: 33232) Checklist for Proposal Sending To minimize risks of overpaying or your proposal being ignored by others, check yourself with some next recommendations: You must vote at least three days before the superblock is created or else your vote won't count. The exact deadline is 1662 blocks before the superblock. Make sure your proposal start block is far enough in the future to allow for discussion and to gather voting support. Proposal name must not exceed 40 characters length. Make sure your proposal name does not match any currently active proposal names. Use URL shorteners before including your URL into proposal. Make sure your proposal description contains enough information for voters to decide their vote. Make sure requested payment amount and period is a reasonable compensation for project scope and duration. Make sure that you've backed up wallet with payee address where you'll receive upcoming funding.


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