• KZC/USD: 6.355


The marketing plan of KZCash for 2018 is to be revised taking into account the market of currencies and the real trend of wide geographical distribution of the coin.
The goal of the KZ CASH project is to popularize the coin for use by a general users of ordinary users to pay for products and services online and offline to small and medium-sized businesses in Europe and Asia.

Our technical development implies making the coin as simple as possible, convenient and reliable for general users and for sellers , and our marketing policy is directed at informing and attracting them.

KZCASH has a number of unquestionable advantages:
- Reliable and incredibly fast (thanks to the work of Masternodes) blockchain.
- Very low commission on transactions (less than 0.0001 KZC)
- Geographical and political advantages of Kazakhstan, as the country of the basic launch of the project. (the center of the continent, an important junction of the "Great Silk Road", the promotion of innovation)
- Investment attractiveness - Masternodes bring passive income to their holders as of 15.02.2018 according to the monitoring of masternodes.online 104% in KZC.
- Flexibility and efficiency of the team - the team implements the best achievements of the blockchain’s industry and conducts it’s own development faster and economically more effective.

On the basis of our goals and benefits team has developed a marketing plan for 2018

It consists of four parts:
   1. Increasing of liquidity (daily turnover) - scheduled listings at three international sites of different levels (TOP-5, TOP-30, TOP 50) for this purpose, the amount is equivalent to 720.000 US dollars. Additionally, listings (other than those planned) will be promoted and financed by DAO initiatives.
   2.  Participation in regional and international exhibitions with a view to popularize coins on the        continent's scale:
   february - two exhibitions in Kazakhstan
   march – Summit in Berlin
   may- AsiaBlockchainSummit acting as organizers together with CABC
   september-october - to be confirmed
   for financing these activities, an amount equivalent to 180,000 USD is provided

  1. Active advertising on the Internet
    - SMM
    - Advertising on dedicated information and analytical resources
    - Addition to different monitoring and rating resources
    The budget of advertising on the Internet is planned in the equivalent of 100.000 USD
  2. Mass attraction of vendors of online and offline products and services that accept KZC as payment. Including with the assistance of partners, was developed a map co-maps.kzcash.net. Any seller can add his institution, store, organization with contact details and description of services, and any user can find the vendor of the KZC in the area of ​​his geolocation or around the world. To promote this service, like the coin itself, the team uses professional data centers, in the first half of the year by CIS countries, in the second half of the year in countries of Europe and southeast Asia. To implement this program, the amount is 100,000 USD.

Total for the marketing plan is budget in the equivalent of 1.100.000
Implementing this plan, the team aspires to achieve the following rates by the end of 2018:
1. Number of active users of KZC - 200.000
2. Number of organizations accepting for payment or exchange KZC - 10,000
3. The number of active master programs in the network - 1,000.
4. The average daily turnover of KZC equivalent - 30.000.000 USD
The plan may be supplemented or adjusted every two months, depending on interval results or because of the Community proposals.


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